Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Operating system and its feature;types ;function

operating system;

An operating system (OS) is process software that manages computer software,  resources,hardware and provide common services for program of computer.

Introduction;In operating system can do manage computer system.in which solve problems that change operating system properties .operating system is important in computer world .without operating system we can not solve computer system mistakes or problems like;software problems;resources problems;hardware problems and common  services problems


The example of operating system is;

. Microsoft Windows, Google's Android OS, Linux Operating System,apple mac OS and Apple iOS Apple mac  OS is active on Apple personal computers like as the Apple Mac book pro, Apple Mac book and Apple Mac book Air etc.
operating system

feature of operating system;

  • Information and resource protection.
  • Error detection and handling.
  • Resource allocation.
  • Memory management  .
  • Protected and supervisor mode.
  • Allows disk access and file systems device drivers networking security.
  • Virtual multitasking.

Functions of operating system.

function of operating system describe bellow.
  • It deals with the transfer of programs in and out of memory.
  • Organises processing time between users and programs.
  • Maintains access rights of users and security.
  • Controls the peripherals such as scanners and printers.
  • Controls the baking  storing. 

Types of operating system;

operating system types name;
  • Batch OS
  • Time sharing OS
  • Distributed OS
  • Embedded OS
  • Real time operating system and resource protection.

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